Parâmetros para análise de narrativas orais em crianças com e sem perturbação da linguagem expressiva

Paula Monteiro, Armanda Costa, Adriana Batista


Analysis of children’s productions of oral narratives is a highly effective research tool that allows examiners to document children’s productive vocabulary and grammar (using microstructural analyses) as well as children’s text level narrative organization skills (using macrostructural analyses). In this study we used the Narrative Scoring Scheme and the Speech Rate and Fluency in Children and Adolescents to analyse the productions of oral narratives of children with and without language disorders. The results showed language developmental effects. Children with language disorders have difficulties in the use of macro and microstructural features and lower speech fluency score.

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Esta publicação é editada pela Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, em co-edição com a Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.

Licença Creative Commons
Este trabalho está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons - Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.


ISSN: 2183-9077