Leitura em voz alta, movimentos oculares e prosódia. Integração de informação sintática e discursiva

Isabel Falé, Armanda Costa, Paula Luegi


This study aims to connect data from ocular movements and reading aloud to the syntactic and discursive properties of texts, in order to understand integrative cognitive processes during reading for understanding. Assuming that in reading aloud there is a close interaction between syntax structure and speech prosody, we collected eyetracking and speech production data from 17 female EP speakers during the reading of two texts. Eye movements and reading speech produced simultaneously were analyzed and our results show that the eyes and the voice are both responsive to text complexity and to syntactic and discursive selected loci, as key points of information integration.

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Esta publicação é editada pela Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, em co-edição com a Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto.

Licença Creative Commons
Este trabalho está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons - Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.


ISSN: 2183-9077