A leitura e a compreensão da oralidade: como leitores e não leitores compreendem o “mas” argumentativo

Helena Cristina Weirich, Ana Cláudia de Souza


This piece of research aimed at investigating the role of reading knowledge in the manner of understanding oral statements whose interphrasal relation is constituted by mas as an argumentative articulator of opposition. Following Olson (1977, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2009) and Olson and Oatley (2013), who argue that reading can cause changes in the way oral verbal language is processed, the general hypothesis of the study is that knowing to read influences the comprehension of oral statements linked by mas, as reading may serve as a model to understand and analyze linguistic units, favoring the understanding of this element as an argumentative articulator of opposition among implicit contents. To conduct this research, an experiment was carried out with 19 adult students divided into two groups: readers and non readers. The participants were invited to judge grammaticality of stimuli, and the accuracy and response time (RT) of the participants were evaluated. The results allowed us to conclude,
through hypothesis validity, that the accuracy indicated a significantly superior success of the group of participants classified as being readers. Besides, qualitative differences observed in the RT suggest that the readers group was able to perceive the ungrammaticality of the statements.

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ISSN: 1646-6195