«Os possessivos estão-me a complicar o ensino» : um estudo do dativo possessivo em português baseado em corpos

Diana Santos


In Portuguese there is a three-way choice to express possession: possessives, the simple definite article, and the possessive dative, whose study is the main
focus of the present paper. In this paper I intend to, first, describe an interesting feature of Portuguese which is rarely presented in teaching materials or textbooks for Portuguese as a foreign language, namely the use of the dative pronoun to indicate possession, and that is paraphraseable by a possessive pronoun. Secondly, I present a contrastive study using parallel corpora (and monolingual ones) to identify a sizeable number of cases of dative pronouns indicating latu sensu possession, using English and Norwegian as “other”
languages, providing a description of their occurrences and some interesting cases. Also, I discuss briefly how to share the linguistic analyses with other linguists, and whether this phenomenon is variety-specific.

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ISSN: 1646-6195