Consciência dos constituintes fonológicos: ordem de estabilização em crianças portuguesas

Catarina Afonso, Maria João Freitas


The main goal of this paper is to contribute with empirical data for the
identification of the order of availability of phonological constituents in the development of phonological awareness. For this purpose, the main study was based on 49 children, 22 1st graders and 27 3rd graders. To achieve our goal, the same segmentation task was used for the different phonological units: segments, syllable constituents, syllables and words. Success rate was the quantitative measurement used; comparative analyses for groups and tasks were performed; the types of errors in the sample were analyzed through the software SPSS 17.0. The following rising scale of complexity was attested for 1st graders: segmentation of words into syllables (79,7%) >> segmentation of sentences into words (41%) >> segmentation of syllables into syllabic constituents (0,9%) and segmentation of words into segments (0,1%).
For 3rd graders, the following rising scale of complexity was attested: segmentation of words into syllables (98,3%) >> segmentation of sentences into words (78%) >> segmentation of syllables into syllabic constituents (60,7%) >> segmentation of words into segments (20,5%).

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ISSN: 1646-6195