Infusões referenciais como estratégias discursivas em anúncios publicitários : análise da campanha Delta Q Tisanas

Elsa Simões Lucas Freitas, Sandra Tuna


Nowadays, we face a great diversity of advertising messages in the media that are ruled by common goals: the will of attracting the public’s attention, increasing the public knowledge of the brands, thus awaking the interest and desires for the product and leading them, at last, to acquire such good or service. In order to be able to make a specific advertising message stand
out it is necessary to create a memorable advertisement, that is also appealing and, especially, effective. Our goal in this paper is to analyze the content of three press advertisements that are part of the advertising campaign of the brand Delta Q Tisanas (launched in October, 2011), to illustrate the strategic linking of two creative approaches that are apparently opposed: the rational and the emotional. This analysis will be based on an analysis of speech that takes into consideration the formal and content aspects of the chosen corpus, allowing us to assess the veracity of our hypothesis, when it comes to the possibility of associating the two approaches mentioned above.

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