Tipos de agir em contextos profissionais : uma abordagem empírica

Rosalice Pinto


This paper aims, firstly, to describe multimodal aspects of linguageiras productions developed in professional contexts; secondly, to demonstrate that some of those pluri semiotic elements (that picture the role of agentive instances) are cohabited by social activities, or even by the kind of acting associated. Our thought is mainly based on theoretical contributions from the Sociodiscoursive Interactionism that considers, from a downward approach of analysis, that infra-organized textual unities are conditioned by social/gender activities (Bronckart, 2003, 2008b) to which they are connected. However, because we work with multimodal texts, the research developed by Kress & Van
Leeuwen about the grammar of visual design (Kress & Van Leeuwen, 2006) will be relevant as well. The corpus is built by advertising texts produced by Portuguese profit or non-profit institutions, in 2008. These analysis will allow us to confirm the hypothesis that the actantial reconfiguration of the agentive instances could be proved in the text universe and varies according to the kind of acting/activity.

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