Somos Todos Artistas. Um exercício de reflexão a respeito da autonomia criativa e das formas de classificação relacionadas à criação

Cyntia Carvalho Martins, Camila Do Valle


This article is about the construction of identities of artists working in the streets taking as reference the movemnt "Life is a party". This movement occurs since 2002 and put all together artists from the music, visual arts, dramatic art, literature of "cordel", "Tambor de Crioula", poetry and "Bumba meu bi" with performances every thursday in the center of the brazilian city São Luís do Maranhão. This approach includes reflections about expressions showed in this event as "art of the streets" or "art in the streets", as a singular mode of solidarity among the artists and a way to build social relations. In the case analysed here, the production of art implies a identity of artist that deny the institutional and market relations of meaning.

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 ISSN 2184-3805