Novas perspetivas: Moda & envelhecimento

Rosiane Neves


The present essay intends to make known the social representations of women in old age in the fashion world, with the purpose of understanding this social phenomenon little investigated and of great social relevance.
For this study we used a qualitative approach, with sampling of multiple cases, in the Porto Metropolitan Area and of interviewees in Lisbon - Portugal, with the participation of 14 women: elderly women over 65 (consumers) and fashion professionals (fashion design, shopkeeper, dressmaker, social events company) of notorious social recognition. The interviews were conducted based on a semi-structured script, in order to capture the social representations of elderly women and the contribution of fashion professionals in the face of the phenomenon
studied. The work includes the following approaches: socio-historical aspects about fashion; the space of women in old age in the fashion world; theoretical assumptions about aging and fashion; methodology used; and, finally, the
narratives of women in old age in the Portuguese context. Although elderly women do not understand the phenomenon of fashion in aging, they point out their social representations about fashion in this age group.

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 ISSN 2184-3805