Eremitismo y marginalidad en la cultura Española del siglo de Oro

Fernando Rodríguez de la Flor


Don Quixote's 24th chapter,  part II, led to this analysis of the conflictive  images characterising reclusion and the general concept of life led in seclusion, which are so particular to the Spanish literwy   period  known  as  the  "Siglo  de  Oro".  On  the one  hand,  we  find  the  extraordinary manifestations of an ambiguous reclusive, penitential and eremitic life and, on the other hand, the exemplary  discourse which aspires the incarnation of the moral figure through "desert spirituality". Both themes transverse the Baroque universe and eventually lead to its simbo!ical annulment, and to the legal and formal  abolishment of these excessive figurations, set off by the advent of the first "fights" of a narrative which sought to eliminate those elements of disorder and marginality, always subjacent to these social practices and exalted in a literature that explored these phenomena exhaustively.

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