A paixão sebástica de Frei João da Cruz : algumas notas sobre a vida e a obra de um sebastianista ortodoxo do período da Restauração

Ilídio Rodrigues


This work aims  to be a  contribute for the study of  the Portuguese  messianic  phenomenon, and particularly the myth of D. Sebastião during the second half of the  17th century.  Throughout the text we give special attention lo the figure of Fr. João da Cruz and to one of his works. Reino de Portugal Prophetizado a Esdras. This text is not  particularly well known by the majority of those interested  in the myth of   D. Sebastião, therefore.  if  is our purpose  lo analyse the questions  of authorship, dissemination and genealogy of the different versions of the original text, as well as the identification of their sources and context in which they were produced.

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