D. António, Prior do Crato, Príncipe Penitente : os Psalmi Confessionales: do exemplum à devoção

José Adriano de Freitas Carvalho


The Psalmi Confessionalis is a significant exemplar both of a genre with a scarce presence in the Portuguese culture of the second half of the 17th century and of the Portuguese literature in exile in the early period of the lberian Union. In spite of this significance, this work has never been the object of a study centered on the issue of its authorship,  on the reasons for its sources (the Holy Scripture, St Augustine, Petrarch),  and  on  the  display   of  the  work  of  textual  constn1ction performed by its true author - Fr. Diogo Carlos, OFM. This study is an attempt at approaching  this set of  issues and trying  to  locate  the work within the spiritual biography of D. António, who is known to have read it during the latter part of his  life.


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