Fonoaudiologia : Contribuições nos estudos forenses de comparação de locutores

Paloma Alves Miquilussi, Marilisa Exter Koslovski, Denise de Oliveira Carneiro


This research was motivated by the growing demand for speechpathologists
to act as forensic experts, particularly in cases of speaker comparison.
A literature search discovers very little about speech-language pathologists
working as forensic experts. Thus, the search was widened to include the science
of Speech-Language Pathology, the national curricula for Bachelor degrees
in Speech-Language Pathology and the work of forensic experts in the area of
speaker comparison. The results showed that human communication is one of
the objects of study of the speech-language pathologist, and that work in forensic
speaker comparison uses parameters standardly analyzed by speech-language
pathologists and that forensic expertise in this area is enriched through multidisciplinary.
Hence, it follows that the inclusion of speech-language pathologists in
multidisciplinary teams working on forensic speaker comparison is amply justifiable.

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eISSN 2183-3745


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