Revelar: Revista de Estudos da Fotografia e Imagem

The  journal  Revelar,  a title  that  points  out  at  the  same time  a process  (develop)  and  discovery  (revelation), was born  in  2015 from the  1st  Encounters with  Photography/FLUP, under  the  XIV Week  of Art History -annual activity organized by students and teachers of the Faculty  of  Arts  of  the  University  of  Porto.  It is  therefore a  project immediately committed to a scientific field in which  photography has advanced slowly by comparison with  Architecture or  the  Fine  Arts. ln  the vast field of History of Art in  Portugal,  Photography has been absent, as it indeed was for the last thirty years within  the national historiography. Photography is  now  advancing faster  thanks  to  new profiles  research,  an  increase  in  investment and  safeguard  of photographic collections  and innovative fields of multi and interdisciplinary research  that have been emerging.




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