La séquence didactique!... Du “Alors” d’une histoire qui ne dit rien… au “Vraiment?”d’un récit (didactologique) bien (dé)terminé

Clara Ferrão Tavares, Jacques da Silva, Marlene da Silva e Silva


The adoption in this paper of the labovian formula « So what? ».That verbalizes the question asked in a narrative... that says nothing, allows us to stress that in language-culture class, students often ask the same question, because when asked what they have learned, they are unable to construct a narrative, since, as commonly say especially learners in secondary education in Portugal, most often, French Foreign Language classes-culture are disconnected. The didactic sequence of FFL and Culture class (French) has gone through different frames according to canonical methodologies that have prevailed in recent decades. In this paper, we propose, first, a brief flashback in order to understand the principles that are at the origin of this concept in education in languages, cultures, and then to show inconsistencies between the current discourse, especially of « programmatic order, on the class language-culture, which refer to high-performance technological resources, namely according to the relevant European educational recommendations and the classroom practices that adopt fast. At last, we propose a prototypical perspective of didactic sequences as didactic scenarios with a multimedia and multimodal feature in language-culture class, in order to allow the emergence of the phrase « Really? » instead of « so what? ».

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