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Westy Custom Computer Display Mount

by Rodrigo Stambaugh (2024-09-01)

In contrast, when you use a solar panel directly, Math the output voltage depends on the solar conditions. In contrast, when you add a voltage meter directly to the battery, you always know the state of your battery in the blink of an eye. Although most charge controllers will display the battery voltage, you often need to press a button to show it. You only need a connector with two inputs (plus and minus) on one side and multiple outputs on the other. Therefore, one measuring instrument suffices. How to include measuring instruments? Other practical instruments are watt, voltage, and current meters. Measuring instruments can be digital or analog. A solar installation works perfectly without measuring instruments, but they are handy for understanding and maintaining your system. Splitting power works for direct solar installations and solar systems with a battery. If it reads 12.9 or 13V, the battery is fully charged. For example, when I turn on the lighting in my office, the battery voltage will drop from 12.9 V to about 12.1 V. After a few hours of use, it will be at 11.7 V or 11.8 V. However, when I turn off the lights at the end of the evening, the voltage rebounds to 12.5 V or 12.6 V. When the battery is charging during the day, the voltage reading indicates the state of the charge.

Reading a battery voltage meter takes some practice. If your solar power system includes a battery, add a voltage meter. You can also connect devices to your solar system by screwing the wires into a terminal block or by soldering them directly to the power output. That sounds cumbersome, but once you know your system better, you can estimate the storage capacity even when the battery is charging or discharging. If the solar panel is active, the battery voltage increases and no longer corresponds to the storage capacity. If the solar installation has only one purpose, connect the electric device to the solar charge controller, the DC-DC converter, or the solar panel. Fuses are designed to protect the wiring installation (and the source of power), however cannot reliably protect the load itself (by design). For example, you may want to split the power to run several appliances simultaneously or alternately on the same solar installation. That is straightforward if all devices run on the same voltage. When all your appliances run on the same voltage, for example, 12V, you install a DC-DC converter which accepts a variable input voltage and produces the desired output voltage. So I was ready to run the cables through the table leg.

The power and HDMI cables exit from behind the cabinetry into the cabinet below the table. So the new plan would be to drill a hole in the original table leg outside of the extension, either in the top or the side. I pried the plug out, and it fit perfectly in the bottom of the table leg. In the schematic drawing, the bottom of the horizontal tube is 23.5 inches above the bottom end of the vertical tube. For example, for Barcelona in Spain (41 degrees latitude), the optimum tilt of solar panels varies from 26 degrees (from vertical) in December to 72 degrees in June. However, a support structure that allows the panel to vary its tilt according to the seasons is usually good enough. For smaller solar panels, I use hinges to attach support beams of differing sizes, or I use a butterfly screw to loosen and change the tilt. For solar panels with a fixed tilt, I use large hinges and supporting beams of wood pieces with metal joints. The amount of these currents also depends on the quality of the panels.

’ connection. It prevents reverse currents through a (partially) shaded panel (while the other panel is in full sunlight). In a direct-drive solar system without a DC-DC converter, the power use of the electric load will always be equal to the power production of the solar panel. When you have built a solar power system, you can connect an electric load to it. You can put them between the solar panel and the solar charge controller but also between the solar charge controller and the load. In the first case, they measure the power produced by the solar panel. In the second case, they measure the power used by the electric appliances. Divide power again if you want a second output with the same output voltage. Where do you want to be able to plug in your devices, and what type of connectors are you going to use? Many people are more comfortable with watts than with voltage and current. Current meters are a bit more complex to wire, see the illustration below. A panel-mounted socket and a separate cable would be a bit cleaner, but this is how I made it originally.

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