Análise pragmática do comentário crítico em relatórios de observação de aulas : Contributo para uma reflexão sobre a profissionalidade docente

Isabel Margarida Duarte, Sónia Valente Rodrigues


At present, when considering models for initial teachers training the capacity to reflect on different aspects of teaching is valued. The efficiency of the approaches used to develop this capacity in the students is an open question. Knowledge about the results of the tools used in initial teachers training may be enhanced by the analysis of one of the texts types where the reflexion is transcribed, the classroom observation report. The section of the classroom observation report centred in the critical comment is the object of study. Hence, the analysis looks at the linguistic and pragmatics description of the utterances
where the critical reflection takes form. The results show a discursive  organisation with a strong investment in movements of justification/explanation and repair, accordingly to the principles of courtesy/politeness in speech (Fon- seca 1996), and in strategies of attenuation commonly present in the utterances of the discursive segment under analysis (Briz 2007), namely the assertive and appreciative ones. Data is relevant for the regulation of formation processes leading to the development of critical thinking and reflection about classroom practice for future teachers.

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