Linguagem coloquial e modalização

Maria Aldina Marques


The aim of this paper is to analyze the occurrences of the linguistic unit pronto in
oral speeches. Pronto is a very frequent “discourse marker” in oral interactions of everyday life in the Portuguese Language. The data under analysis consist of interviews, audio recordings, made within the project The Sociolinguistic
Profile of Braga´s Speech Variety, with reference FCT PTDC / CLE-LIN / 112939/2009. It is a corpus of oral interactions with colloquial characteristics  (Briz, 1998). From this analysis, stands out the polyfunctionality of the discourse marker pronto. In this study, within an enunciative framework of discourse analysis, I aim to examine, in particular, the occurrences of pronto in relation with modalization according to Vion’s research (2005, 2006, 2010, etc.), which defines modalization as “une double “énonciation” (Vion, 2010) and distinguishes it from modality.

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