Ideologia e ensino : o caso da legislação portuguesa
This article addresses the question of implicit ideologies in the teaching of Portuguese, specifically as these appear in legislation. The laws that determine the educational process emerge from ideological perspectives underlying educational systems by shaping the view that is acquired of it. In the discursive construction of legislation, one sees the emergent adoption, for a given subject, of the signs of a given historical and social-cultural moment. This adoption determines the conceptions and influences ideological, social and cultural representations, and ultimately also students´ education. In order to determine ideology(ies) conveyed by state documents concerning education in Portugal, we analyze the basil Law of 1986 and its 1997 and 2005 amendments. We see that legislation related to teaching is guided by political and ideological criteria. Portuguese legislation, which encompasses pre-school, basic, secondary and higher education, advocates certain teaching practices, provides information on how to teach, and establishes program guidelines. In order to illuminate the phenomena, we survey the patterns found in various pieces of legislation, in order to obtain an accurate assessment of the current ideological situation.
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