Construir a responsabilidade enunciativa no discurso jornalístico
To know how to read a journalistic text requires considering what is said but also
how it is said. The construction of enunciative responsibility, by the addresser, deserves reflection. In the perspective of discourse analysis, the studies on enunciative responsibility have been partial and scattered, but the last decade has revealed a growing interest in this issue. Within the theoretical frame of discourse analysis, I analyze the construction of the enunciative responsibility in several newspaper articles published in Portuguese newspapers. The basic premise is that there is no speech without an addresser. Therefore, there is a kind of responsibility, responsibility, which encompasses another one, the responsibility, concerning the way the addresser brings other “voices” into the
discourse. Different linguistic and discursive mechanisms show, in different ways and degrees, the responsibility of the addresser. They also show how enunciative responsibility must be related to other aspects of discursive construction, such as constraints of gender and even institutional constraints that derive from the fact that a newspaper is an institutional area of discourse construction.
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